

He/🇵🇭/Chaldea Master/Multifandom/Otome/Gamer/on & off cosplayer

フォロー数:5279 フォロワー数:2728

New otomes announced for localization.
Birushana FD - Winter 2023
Bustafellows S2 - Autumn 2023
Sympathy Kiss - 2024
Kamigami no Asobi - 2024

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Norn9 is few days away. Aside the LIs, who among the heroines you look forward to meet or play as?

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Aside that they're finally featuring MCs, I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS ART 😍💕

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Four underrated otome men who deserve more love.
Honorable mentions: a few cutie side characters like Leo, Yoshinari and Dairoku side charas

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What I would give to have these standees 😍😆

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Misa Isshiki!!!! Plain but beautiful. And she's a voiced MC!? 😍

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Yuuya's otome MCs ✨😍✨

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My fellow CxM fans, here's a thought. Since the movie was said to be an original story, what if Ichika doesn't end up with any of the main lovers including Yanagi? Not even Saeki, Yoshinari or any side chara you wanna ship her.

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He has such a way with words 😖🙈

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