

Full-time freelance artist & plush maker from 🇩🇪
I also sew other silly things. My little store:

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:1814

Kann nur noch besser werden

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So here is todays winner with the theme "snowglobe" It whas my favorite and the most feared theme. Cause i wasnt sure that I wont get lost in details. Also here is yesterdays finished "naughty christmas with as Girl :D

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Ohhh this one whas a great pleasure.... thats what happen when you try to steal my boyfriend!!! xDD the theme whas "naughty christmas" And my gosh... that boy makes a cute mare ewe höhöhöhö Also here are day 13 and 14 they should be also available in the stickerpack

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So here is door 13 with the theme whas "bells" and what could be better with bells then a reindeer harness <3 also here are the finished door 10-12 they should be now available in the stickerpack

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So here are door 11 with "tree decoration" and door 12 with and "snow" the finished pieces 10,11 and 12 will be posted later today

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Also here are the missing winners from day 9 as "snowmen" sorry but he looks like a imaginary childhood friend x) and with "christmas tree" couldnt help myself but thinking about a little pony stucked in a tree and hissing at everyone xD little demon cat<3

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So here are day 8 and day 9 with the theme "wrapping" and as super fancy "snowmen" x) finished pieces will be add later to the stickerpackage x)

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So here is yesterdays winner 15 minutes with "wrapping" as theme and almost done with the lineart ewe uhm not sure what to think of it. xD but uhm not getting faster. Also here is day 7 winner Oc with the "Socks" theme

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So here is todays 15 minutes drawing of Oc :D I would call this a Sockception x) as always: the finished piece will be posted tomorrow. But you all might find it earlier in the Stickerpackage

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So here ist yesterdays winner and her 8b door with the "Santa" theme xDDD sorry but I couldnt resist drawing her with a Stick to disciplin all the bad guys of you! also here are and with their themes "not enough alcohol" and "Fairy lights"

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