

Historian of the Forgotten. And other things.

フォロー数:38 フォロワー数:576

Got this late birthday pic from a friend, featuring my favorite Crash bandicoot gals :3

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Oh look, official merchandise of Scourge the Hedgehog from Archie Sonic lol

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Remember that time in Archie Sonic when Bunnie Rabbot and Cream the Rabbit were cousins? Yeah, this was only briefly mentioned in a bonus story from a FBCD special from 2012, and only in the altered universe from Sonic: Genesis. In both the old and new canon, they're not related.

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Recently been playing some American Mcgee's Grimm. It's a fun little episodic game. Already covered the Grimm comics on FM, maybe I'll record and post the games music. Yeah, almost 15 years since it began and no ones ever bothered posting the entire soundtrack on Youtube.

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Glad to see the Shogakun Sonic Mangas finally get some love in other official Sonic media. In this case, Monica the Mouse cameos inside SegaSonic's Popcorn Shop in that Sonic's 30th comic special. An obscure reference within an obscure reference. :3

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Sad to hear that the main MLP comics will be ending after issue 102 and that 5 part Generations story. Still, it's neat that this is the second time we'll have a G1xG4 crossover in official MLP media.

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I'd probably be this one, if the pets count.

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One thing all these Sonic comics have in common are hydrid badniks. Yeah, Archie gave us the Krudzu Hydride Hydra, Fleetway gave us The Seven Badniks, and now IDW gave us these Hydrid Badniks.

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Huh, just found out that there was a new Peter-No-Tail/Pelle Svanslös animated film just recently. Looks very interesting. Man, Peter-No-Tail, that's been on my personal bucket list for Forgotten Media for years, next to Glover and the Playstation Eyetoy.

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Remember that time in Archie Sonic when they did the Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy? Ya know, spoofing the old Guardians of the Galaxy, Silver Surfer and Galactus. Yeah, that was a thing. Only time we'd see anything from them again was a cameo in the Scourge: Lockdown arc.

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