

フォロー数:317 フォロワー数:464

One day hope to see these weapon in game for Dage birthday 0.0

made by

16 131

sad story :c

1 12

hoped for these items

9 51

Weapons suggestion for dage birthday

Based on SAO :elucidator and dark repulsor

Done by

40 181

first medical test done 🙏

2 days more 🙃

Anyway i'm having a challenge here when i return 🍩👿

0 21

First of all i want to thanks

for this amazing job

always wanted this dual weps

hope this weps can be added to the game

Thank you for your hard work 😍🙏

here some donuts bro🍩😂

11 64

I guess i'm in love with this set

0 37

Nostalgic vibes 🥰

Buff DragonLord !!!!

3 22

this one look so good !!

4 25

new set Idea

what do u think ?

0 13