

フォロー数:1320 フォロワー数:446

hiii o/ (hope you don't mind the edit ^^)

0 6

Buyee finally received my Bubba plushie!!

0 12

Gator on a jar! Gator on a jar! 😆💛

0 6

I love this 💛🥰

0 10

Gatorzilla!! 😆💛

0 2

I upgraded my internet, and then I realised a thecnician needs to come to my house. Now I have to dress properly and can't take a nap because I need to wait for them

1 16

Memberships for all holos are paused until cover finish transfering the channels to thir new MCN, so we gray

0 1

We must find Ames hat, teamates!!

1 35