

I've got my mind on my money and my money on NFTs...🎶🎵🎶 Discord: mercymoney#4741

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My all-time favorite AVAX project is the artwork drew me in and the staking kept me, but the team and community is what I fell i love with! ❤️💕🥰

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Come check out beautiful artwork by female artist Mari over at female led project. It’s an AVAX project you’ll love! Check them out! Only 2 of 12 zodiacs have been revealed.

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Come check out the amazing artwork created by the talented artist, Mari. Check us out and fall in love with all the mesmerizing witches.

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Check out the launching soon on AVAX blockchain! If you’ve never minted on AVAX, you don’t know what your missing! Gas fees amazing low: <$1 🤭 check out their roadmap in their discord link.

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Take a look at the amazing job our female artist, Mari did with the It’s an AVAX project which means gas fees are <$1. Minting NOW. We’d be happy to guide you and answer all your questions.

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I minted my first NFTs on AVAX & ❤️it! I got my hands on these beautiful Gas was <$1 using MetaMask. Get your witch & receive reflections!

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