

A rebellious sheep who serves Jesus, thinks & loves art.



フォロー数:488 フォロワー数:104

Shion Uno. He's younger then Ichika Hoshino but he's still 19. He deserved more 😔

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I JUST GOT TICKETS TO SEE SUZUME IN THEATERS >//////< And it's in IMax! I can't wait to see this beauty. Even plot sucks the animation alone will be worth the price of admission

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My Persona 5 Royal fanart is my latest. And considering it was my first impression drawing these guys. It's not bad in my personal opinion

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Saw this going around & thought it be fun.
1. Post the cover of a great game. No need to say why.
2. Nominate 6 people to do the same [ I only have 4 people I talk to on Twitter hehe]

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Revolution in Full Color's mascot? Misato's bratty cat Sumi. I've been getting pretty good at drawing cats. I mean not great but not bad. Considering I don't do it all the time. None of these are traced at all so that makes me happy

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A Map of Light Islands [which is a small island nation off the east coast of America. It is where my series Revolution in Full Color takes place in]

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Here two guys I didn't add last time but I thought I show time. The cat Sumi, and XR. They're both Misato's partners.

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New Video Dropping hopefully soon
It shall be grand lol

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What is the most songs you bought from a single artist? Mine is hands down HoneyWorks. Can you say over a 100 songs?

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I don't think this counts but it makes me smile just the same 😃

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