Monty | Snoopa | Merryさんのプロフィール画像

Monty | Snoopa | Merryさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:173 フォロワー数:144

Only OGs remember that I used to be a fucking MHW character, actually where the Kot nickname comes from.

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YO YO YO Did they reference Stand Proud for 's opening ?? I swear the compositions of some shots are reminiscent of it.

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Merry but girl, just pretend she has the Merry Ears™

0 13

Pomme as I've been waiting 40 minutes to leave the house: "I don't have clothes to put on..."
Me, looking at the two full shelves of clothes:

0 12

>work on comm
>press the wrong key binds
>"Would you like to save before closing"
>press no on instinct
>lose all of the progress because it's not a crash

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