

I retweet artworks | Would sometimes post my own works |

フォロー数:597 フォロワー数:405

Oshiete yo! TG fanart ~3~

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Assassin naval commander wip ~3~

3 5

Wip. Used naval commander armor as reference :3

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Gal naval commandos

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Deep sea demon concept painting ԅ( ˘ω˘ ԅ)

1 5

Blade Of Awe fanart :3

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Here ya go . Sorry couldn't add the other suggestions ―(T_T)→

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Grid painting in PS. Guess what i'm painting ( •̀ω•́ )σ

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Working on 2 paintings. Up: Blood Titan / Down: san's character. Sooo dual-wip (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

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This aint my artwork. But does ayone know who drew this? I was already following him on DA but then my DA got hacked

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