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@rosa__hermosa If you find the time and the inclination, I'd love to see your interpretation of me.
@BlackGypsum strikes again! This time with @SummerBunny18 ! A super talented and amazing artist that deserves far more followers than she currently has. How he finds these diamonds in the rough is beyond me.
Go give her a follow and join me and Gypsum at the cool kids table!
@VictorPCorbella I have four friends who already look great but could stand to be improved with a little lycanthropy. Top row is Sebastian and Ragey. Bottom row is JC and Mahi (mahi bases his character on this feral wolf) Can't wait to see your stuff!
EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOUR DOING and marvel at the adorableness created by the adorable @RealTwelveNine and gifted by the equally adorable @BlackGypsum ! A 12-9 piece has been on my bucket list since forever; I love it! Thanks Twelve! And to Seb, you'll get what you deserve in time.
@ArbuckleColonel The whole reason I signed up for Patreon was because I wanted to support her. Never regretted it for a second.
@ArbuckleColonel Oh how could I forget the emojis she made for my doggo pupper!