

Christian, movie aficionado, and story contributor and voice actor to #TheZPD.
Icon by @RealTwelveNine Banner by @jaskenator7000

フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:293

I nominate my brother from another mother

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If you find the time and the inclination, I'd love to see your interpretation of me.

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strikes again! This time with ! A super talented and amazing artist that deserves far more followers than she currently has. How he finds these diamonds in the rough is beyond me.

Go give her a follow and join me and Gypsum at the cool kids table!

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I have four friends who already look great but could stand to be improved with a little lycanthropy. Top row is Sebastian and Ragey. Bottom row is JC and Mahi (mahi bases his character on this feral wolf) Can't wait to see your stuff!

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EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOUR DOING and marvel at the adorableness created by the adorable and gifted by the equally adorable ! A 12-9 piece has been on my bucket list since forever; I love it! Thanks Twelve! And to Seb, you'll get what you deserve in time.

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The whole reason I signed up for Patreon was because I wanted to support her. Never regretted it for a second.

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Oh how could I forget the emojis she made for my doggo pupper!

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