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Thank you for the amazing art! A cowgirl outfit for the epic basement dweller, Moriko! Inspired by the outfit from an amazing cowgirl who goes moo and totally didn't type her name twice by accident (lol), Bessie! Thank you so much!

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Thank you for passing by today's stream Mercs! Kind of got stuck at the end (And just realized after stream, the thing we needed was right in front of me) But we've made progress regardless! Catch you guys tomorrow as we return to SMT 3 Nocturne and arrive in Ikebukuro.

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Thank you all for passing by today's stream Mercenaries! The amala network dungeon thwarted our path of punching skelly bros. But that's not going to stop me! I'll do a bit of grinding/fuse/recruit off stream in the meantime humu.
Also, thank you for the raid weh

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Thank you mercenaries for passing by today's stream! We beat the EVIL and went through a chapter of dead space 2. Tomorrow, we'll be finishing up the remaining chapters.
Thank you for the raid :D
(Imagine trying to raid sheep with the bois only to be counter raided XD)

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Afternoon Mercenaries! It's time we get into the horrors of the dead space! The space BEAN returns with waifu haunting our boi Issac. Will Metro save him from the BEAN? Or fall victim to the nightmares? Don't worry, we got a local Texan cow that could fix him! Hehe

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Hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend :D
This Monday and Tuesday at 1300PM EST, we'll be playing through the Dead space prequels and ds2 DLC before starting Dead space 2! I'll be also testing out a proper mic, so please give me feedback :) Next week, we'll return to Infernax

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M-Me?! A-A mod for Bessie?! I-I would be honored if I became a mod for her >///< but please don't tell, I would cry of embarrassment if ever becomes true!

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Stream will be delayed to 1400-1430PM EST. Hopefully my new headset arrives soon, I just want to reach the end of dead space and find out if I get the BEAN or not.

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Thank you so much for the amazing art ! I hope to commission art from you again in a later future! Thank you so so much :')

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