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Anime Cowboys was inspired to make this piece by cowboys. Tried to figure out what to do with the backdrop but didn't wan't to draw country landscape, and I became inspired by Sahara desert so I made a hybrid landscape with both.

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I don't know if today is the day but this month is my fifth year on twitter. I want to thank my followers 143 I could have never imaged to grow that many followers in five year thank for the journey. But nobody will probably read this. But if you do Thank you!!!! Let go for 200👍

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AERO Color practice.
Shot Dj Chari Aero feat. &
Liked the Visuals in the music video and composition.

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Made this in Paint for you

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Hello Night Tempo there was a track that you posted on Youtube in the summer of 2018. It was a Korean one sample and a music video with 80s Japanese montage. What happend because I can find it anywhere. That song was a banger!! Don't let it be lost media

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