Corazon Mexicaさんのプロフィール画像

Corazon Mexicaさんのイラストまとめ

A Chicano artist of the Mexicayotl, dedicated to the art and craft of pre-Hispanic, Mesoamerican spirituality. Paintings of Mexican Indigenous pride.

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In this house of cold and darkness were kept the bones of the ancestors of other eras, which were necessary to create the first grandmother and the first grandfather.
You can find digital copies of my book Toachtocolhuan in my Etsy store!

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According to the Mexica or Aztecs, when the Earth had been created, the Teteo asked Quetzalcoatl and His nahual Xolotl to descend to the Underworld

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Depictions of hybrid beings and human turtles allude to the hardness and protectiveness of the shell of the turtle, as well as to childbirth, which is a similar exposure from the dark and protected.
You can find prints of The World Turtle here!

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In the painting appears a circle of water, which, although represented vertically, must be imagined lying down. On it is the fertile Death, which through decay gives birth to maize our sustenance. From Her navel grows the World Tree, the column that keeps the sky in its place

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The name of this painting is Tlalxico Cocijo, and it is composed of a Nahuatl and a Zapotec word which allude to the center of the Earth

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A modern indigenous narrative tells the story of how the Lord of Rain stole Cipactli's tongue, which was the lightning, and gave it to His children, who are the clouds.
You can find prints of Tlaloc Steals the Tongue of Cipactli in my Etsy store!

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Cipactli is the primordial monster, who inhabited the darkness of the night before everything was created. She was sacrificed by Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, Lords of Creation, and with Her body They created the Earth and the Heavens

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Ahuianimeh used to paint their arms and faces with yellow pigment, and their hair with indigo to get a purple color. Their mouth and teeth were painted red, and they had tattoos all over their bodies. In my painting, the tattoos are magical symbols to help her seduce her lover

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In this painting, an elder ahuani (ahuani is singular for ahuianimeh), a retired xochihua or two-spirit person, prepares a younger ahuiani for an event

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My original painting of Ometeotl is on display at . Saturday is the last day to visit my show!

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