

Bernardo Cesare
Geologist @geounipd. RockCommunicator. I study rocks and show their Art under the microscope. (He/Who?)

フォロー数:1418 フォロワー数:17767

Polarized light photomicrograph of sugar crystals formed from evaporarion of a drop of by on a glass slide.

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Polarized light photomicrograph of crystals of sucrose formed from drying some drops of by on a glass slide. width c. 4 mm.

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How do you like Karlsbad Sprudelstein, made of aragonite ooids?

2 12

Great! what about showcasing the mysterious microworld hidden in rocks?

1 2

RT from the hall of fame of MIcROCKScopica.
A drop of by under the microscope: of sucrose

4 18

Still very hot in northern We need some ice and (here a drop under the to calm it down and enjoy the

3 23

Karlsbad Sprudelstein is a rare sedimentary rock with oolites made of aragonite. It is just fantastic under the microscope.
Sample provided by Axel Munnecke. Width c. 4 mm

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