

im Mich!! (they/them or he/him) 25 years old, and an artist! thats all i got idk what else to put here lol

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hey its a trend so heres my !!! spottedmask!!!! they me

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NEW YEAR NEW ME I GUESS LOL i made a newer fursona cause i lost attatment to my others. hes a yorkie hellhound mix and hes me yall
feat sona!!!

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made a ref for the man

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turned mich into a warrior cat cause fuck it

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kat!! shes a demonic reaper that uses a bat instead of a scythe cause she tends to handle rowdy souls that just want to fight her, she has a bit of a grumpy demeanor but is in general a caring soul and will beat up a motherfucker if asked, she is best friends with Jake.

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Eden!! baby, baby girl, shes an odd being, formerly a lab rat, she escaped that place with the help of the demonic entity Parasite, parasite and Eden bonded over the escape and now they both save those who were taken by Carmen, while adding hosts for parasite and Eden to use

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Soul!! main protagonist of a story ive been working on for years now sdjfhlk hes rebelling against an asshole king whos not very nice, Soul is very strong, kindhearted, loud and doenst think before doing things, he has wings but he keeps em hidden with magic,

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MAMA SNAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shes in my woodheart wars story
shes an immortal feline with two immortal kids and shes a rebellious soul helping the main character take down the main antagonist!!

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