

(FR/ENG) Freelance Illustrator, Game artist during my free time

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:141

Hi! Thanks for doing this! I like to draw fanart, originals, cute stuff and creepy stuff!

2 14

Hop, voilà ma modeste contribution au challenge de ! C'était l'occasion de retoucher au tradi et ça m'avait vraiment manqué !

6 36

I might have started this drawing 2 years ago and finished it yesterday.

2 7

KEUKOU je fais ma pub parce que ça m'a saoulée de voir du plagiat tourner autant :')

Du coup voilà je fais du digi:

1 3

Coucou! Merci pour ce thread, j'ai tellement de mal à gagner en visibilité :') du coup voilà je dessine beaucoup de fanart et je prépare des goodies pour les conventions à venir en ce moment!

4 8

Wowata was an amazing producer, he created so many of my favorite songs, and brought so much to the vocaloid community. Thank you for your work.

2 14

You like bunnies? You like terrariums? BAM bunny terrarium!

4 17

Who's in live with TPM? ✋

That's the one of the best manga I read last year so I had to make a charm about it!

1 8

Hello ! I'm a game art student and a freelance artist who likes to do fanarts, cute merch and other stuff !

6 21

Hi! I've been working of this illustration of Varda from the silmarillion, and that's the result!

7 22