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Big sister Mami is finally here! But she is very dangerous~ because if you stare at her...she will hypnotize you! That's her power. Are you ready to give her everything you have? 💋❤️
Prepare to be eclipsed by Aria and her stockings ~ Will you submit to the power of the moon? 🌘❤️
There is nothing more beautiful than the sound of rain ~ The only problem though is that now my feet are all wet! ☔️❤️
Someone told me that in the Middle Ages the population was not very developed. So I decided to travel to the past and enslave everyone ~ 💋🤭
I was walking around the city at night when some girls and boys stopped me and started begging me to photograph my feet. You humans are shameless! 🤭🌟
After a long day of work I can rest on my throne ~
Have you seen my new stocking?
Do you like it?🌟💋
You humans are so complicated. Why can't I wear a Yukata in the pool? 😒🌟
Today I tried a sauna from your planet. I didn't expect it to be so relaxing! But now I'm all sweaty, who dries me? 🌟🤭