Mike Tharme (BA, MA)さんのプロフィール画像

Mike Tharme (BA, MA)さんのイラストまとめ

Ambassador for @Ray_Harryhausen.
Armature fabricator at @AnimationToolkt.
Views are my own.

フォロー数:1684 フォロワー数:1933

Lmao, well, the silver lining here is that you might be one subscriber down, but your also one less idiot to deal with in your comments, soooooo... win win, right?

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Saw this on profile and had to share it with you!

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Wishing a belated to my friend & mentor who turned 100 on June 29th. I miss you & wish we could have celebrated together, but I am so happy to be part of the Foundation family, that it feels like you're always here XX.

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Its why I added it to my entry for the contest in 2016, not only a personal nod to Ray's relationship to Forrest J. Ackerman, but embodies the Science Fiction side of Ray's storytelling.

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to cinema's most influential special effects pioneer, We owe a great dept of gratitude to his talents and drive to make entertaining pictures. Your spirit and passion live on today Obie, you are sorely missed but you're never forgotten. X

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Worst...Clash of the Titans (2010) Best...King Kong 2005

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I'm a little late on this topic, since already released his detailed video on the (https://t.co/a9BbmgaK18), but I thought you'd all enjoy Jim Udenberg's process of his creation, from concept sketch to final puppet.

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Some lovely close up photos of the 1/16 scale T-Rex maquette made by and I believe was painted by John Rosengrant, some of you may find one or two of the images VERY familiar.

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