

Artist and animator which can be found over @Michael_H_Art
cover art by @kytobitt

フォロー数:1221 フォロワー数:400

Three of my OC's down... One more to go...
Just wish I had the time and money to dedicate to working on something with em...

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One little thing I really like about Miitopia. If you get a new weapon but don't like how it looks you can make it so your weapon stays the same in look but keeps the stats of the new item. At the very least it means I can keep Quarrel with her hammer as a Cleric

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Describe your taste in Fire Emblem men/women/non-binary folks in 4 pictures
I am a man of very simple tastes. https://t.co/7dU0Yuzusq

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Not gonna lie... A Warioware battle royale game (sorta like the Tetris and Pac-Man ones) would be fun as heck.
Honestly I just want a new Warioware/Land game...
I love those series so much

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Probably safe picks but honestly I love these games so much.
Honorable Mentions: Mario Maker 2, Thousand Year Door and Mario Sports Mix

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Getting ready for my man Lloyd to get Mii Cosumified again tomorrow
After three characters on my most wanted list I’m pretty sure my lucks run dry

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and some honorable mentions

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Hard to believe it's been 4 blooming years https://t.co/TkRbnIWOYO

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First FE/Favourite FE/Favourite Female Character/Favourite Male Character
(hey it was fun to do this for Pokemon) https://t.co/aFLglouIJ1

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I like big bugs and I cannot lie

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