

🎨 Apprentice in the world of creativity
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フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:96

Commission for https://t.co/Rf3kIEYgVJ

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1 4

Little gift for a greedy wolf I know really well

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A little art for my friend

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2 4

A little art for a close friend, his sona snuggling his little plushie

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My friend now got his first art of his sona and i'm so glad i was his first artist <3

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A sticker gift for my close friend volty!

3 4

A special art!

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Thanks for the opportunity, this is my ref ^^

0 1

A gift to another good friend to practice, what a good boy he is

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1 10

Totally not

Cute art for a friend

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10 51