

(everything i do is a joke/account is satire)

i also draw whatever im currently interested in at the moment

フォロー数:65 フォロワー数:35

get enough money and move to another country where it's cheaper

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fuck i forgot the choker

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the kappa after i politely ask if i could pee on her to give her superpowers

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me on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?

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ors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Revna to try some on or to try so

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i still dont know how to draw kids yet but i hope you like it uncle

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i fucking hate coloring

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