

フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:110

Lmao when I tell you this person is replying on every tweet that criticize anything....the drama is surreal in genshin community these white knights don't even want people to share their opinions.

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lmao you didn't had to destroy them so fast, i am dying here.

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Unlike you who threw blatant hate in your reply towards a stranger i don't think I ever did it to mihoyo and my liege what I said for mihoyo was constructive criticism not blatant hate like yo salty az my foot. Wth is wrong with your snobbish complex .

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Sure don't forget to take your daily dose of originality and brain cell increasing pill bye 👋

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I am dying handling yo troll azz get some originality kid and don't forget to get ya daily dose of touching the grass.

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Oh you didn't knew thats okay... THERE WERE NO CONSOLATION PRIZES FOR ARTIST AND COSPLAYERS . BTW I have said it multiple time in our convo ig you were busy fighting.

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