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On this day in 1756, Britain officially declares war on France. Both powers have already been fighting for at least two years in the wilderness of North America.

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On this day in 1242, the armies of Novgorod defeat the Teutonic Knights on a frozen lake in what is now Estonia. The Battle of the Ice, as it becomes known, will be later immortalized in the 1938 Sergei Eisenstein epic 'Alexander Nevsky.'

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On this day in 1763, the Treaty of Paris ends the Seven Years War. A defeated France cedes the vast territory of Canada to Britain in exchange for the Caribbean colonies of St Lucia, Guadeloupe & Martinique. Voltaire writes that all King Louis XV has lost is "a few acres of snow"

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Mustang vs. Corsair — In 1944, the U.S. Navy pitted America's two best fighters against each other. See which one came out on top.

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MHN welcomes articles from published authors & historians. Here are our recent contributors' latest books.

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Charm Offensive – Inside Switzerland’s Surprisingly Polite Civil War of 1847

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RIGHT NOW in 1863, President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation takes effect. "All persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a state in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free."

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On this day in 1943, troops from Canada's 1st Infantry Division liberate the Italian city of Ortona. The victory marks the end of the Allies' "Bloody December."

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On this day in 1810, Sweden declares war on Great Britain. Reluctantly forced into it by Napoleon, Stockholm takes absolutely no military action against the United Kingdom.

(Accordingly, here's a pic from the era of Swedes not fighting.)

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On this day in 1861, the United States risks war with Great Britain as a boarding party from an American warship removes Confederate diplomats from the Royal Mail Ship Trent. London responds by sending troops to Canada.

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