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Been feeling too tired to draw so here's a piece I made some months ago of my design for Zul's mother. I would fail my faves if I didn't give them relatives. Her name is Fado'ah.
#Zandalari #Worldofwarcraft #WoWart #WoWtroll
"I will scream The Word
Jump into the void
I will guide the herd
Up to heaven."
- Depeche Mode, Heaven
#Worldofwarcraft #Zultheprophet #Zandalari
Kharazul and his Yak mount, Hei-hei, which he got during the Pandaria expedition! He just fell for those adorable furry bois...also Hei-hei is very popular with the children in Dazar'alor, everyone wants to pet her!
#worldofwarcaft #Zandalari #WoWart #WoWtroll
Made the Dream looks for my Blood Troll and Shattered Hand Orc bois but they need to be DKs to look the way I want them to T_T Blizzard pls add pale skin options for Orcs and Darkspear trolls.
Sire Denathrius, straight out of Revendreth to ruin your day!
#Denathrius #Worldofwarcraft #Venthir #Revendreth #WoWart
May I interest you in two little men with really big hats?
#Worldofwarcraft #Rastakhan #Zultheprophet #WoWart #Zandalari #WoWtroll
@popcorncheesy 's lovely hunter, Tarilca! Happy Birthday! 😊🎉 #Worldofwarcraft #WoWart #Bloodelf
A gift for my dearest @shit_media , the OT3 <3 Hope you enjoy, sweetie!
#Rastakhan #Zultheprophet #WoWart #Worldofwarcraft #Zandalari #wowtroll