

🟦(Milimann01 on Bluesky)🟦

° Self-taught Artist °
° Bisexuall °
° Fandom Art °
° Furryart °
(Sometimes spicy)

(credit me if you use my Art!)

フォロー数:354 フォロワー数:352

/💙🎧/ New DJ Member /🎧💙/

I dunno if you remember the other DJ OC but you'll see both of these cuties soon together ^^

7 21

💜// Normal Valentine's Day //💜

Either if you have a valentine or not your amazing and I hope you have a great day! (⁠。⁠•́w•̀⁠。⁠)


6 28

/-/ Birthdayart? I guess? /-/

So yeah my bday was yesterday but I couldn't post because my phone is broken -w-

12 29

🌸✨Heya I'm Milimann I mostly draw furryart or art for some fandoms like Splatoon and stuff ^^ ✨🌸

3 5

Nothing big but tbh that icon was one of the things I wanted to do for a long time.

Some other posts follow soon I hope qwq

1 8

🎉HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023!!!🎉

I wish you all a amazing new year!!! I hope you have a great start in the new year!!!
Love y'all <3

5 11

Just gonna post this here it's a bit older but oh well ^^

6 18

// Some Splatoon Art because I'm to much in the grind rn //

3 9

is trending I guess so here have some ^^

4 21