

She/Her | 🏳️‍⚧️ | Dragon/Gryphon with a huge love of hot chocolate. Aspiring to be a great artist 💕@Senphyro💕

フォロー数:575 フォロワー数:7614

Oh noes! turned into a Red Panda...or a blue panda.
Very quickie doodle for him.
Happy bday btw w;

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More pokemon doodle~

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Decided to finish this Lucario, which started out as a warmup doodle lol.

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Haven't drawn Buku in a loooong while

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Recently started watching Steven Universe and I fell in love with Lion haha.
Gosh I need some practice with ferals.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ A very lovely piece done by Thankssssssssss! <3 <3 <3

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Commission piece~

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