

Lvl.24 Stressed Wordwizard

✨Icon by @cashumeru

フォロー数:3264 フォロワー数:58727

Vent drawing while being sick.(its aAngel)

34 263

Pretty Frame apprishiation Post.

I do not know why i go all out for like frames you can only see for a 10th of a second.

33 321

Flagship category will be the most painful to sell off because as the name implies are my pride and best pieces i made over the years.

[~12+ hours] Flagships
500-800 euros
(price fluxuation due to some having extensive animations)

28 154

Heres some pricing. the longer it took to make the priecier. (this is a thread)

DM me when interested.

[~9 hours] Frigatte-class
300-400 Euros (includes animations) https://t.co/xAoyXb8tkO

106 496

Aight. sketch done for today. imma rest (WIP)

2 82

Decided to rework Redboi.

99 801

Sketched Heatsink in my offtime after comissions ^^

He defently woud do the devilman run.

133 904

Comission of 's Cecelia!
was fun to animate fire and some orby boi again ^^

47 404

closeup on the heatsink sprite btw.

52 477

Shape practice on my OC Hasel.
Now lets see what else imma do this week ^^

46 592