

Min Modulation, right next to the Min Pitch Bend knob.

フォロー数:2584 フォロワー数:16787
# naruko

it's time to sleep sleep, so goodnight goodnight!! 💤

31 198

Nyan Genesis Evangelion

103 339

Old: Gabagool

Bold: Prosciutto

12 63

wheww, good mornin' fellas... time to WAKE UP 😴😑😯

10 80

remember to do your STRETCHES today!

42 134

Time to sleep soundly after a wonderful day! Let's all dream comfy and nice tonight~

29 132

~Where Are They Now~

After the crisis was over, Shinji went back to school, and now enjoys a nice Secretary position at her dad's company!

153 544

OK TIME FOR SLEEP goodnight goodnight...tonight was so fun!

29 184

Goodnight goodnight everyone, I gotta sleep tight tonite, I hope you all have big beautiful dreams!

53 237