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Day 24: ...This one was gonna be Norman Rockwell. But as I was drawing I lost the thread, went off the tracks, started mucking around, had fun, and then came out with something that I really liked even though it isn't even close. Yay

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Day 19: Disgaea
I know nothing about this except for the colours are pretty and my friends play it.

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Day 18: Dishonored
Everyone should have seen this coming. It's where he originated!

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Day 17: Cult of the Lamb
The best way to follow up a difficult painting that cost you lots of effort and swearing ... is with a lil guy.

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Day 15: Peter Rabbit (Beatrix Potter)
Some say that me drawing Buddy as a rat would make him a ratman. These people are wrong.

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Day 7: Yoji Shinkawa.
I like the end result, that's all I will say on the matter because I don't think I came close.

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Day 3: Disney - The Great Mouse Detective

Honestly the reason why I chose to draw Buddy. The Great Mouse Detective is amazing.

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I said I was gonna render it.
Honestly, the real horrific part about a person with a gaping maw above his one singular eye is the fact that he'd absolutely be drooling into his massive eyeball.

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I was genuinely hoping this wasn't done in 2020 so I had the excuse to pick something different. But this is my most recent art... so.... yeah.
I am much happier with the one I made this year.

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