

I build Gunpla,kinda an artist I rarely draw however, in way to many fandoms send help.…

フォロー数:1555 フォロワー数:509

Twitter is just this currently

It's all Astolfo

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I decided to color the 00 Sky like both versions of the Destiny Gundam

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Strike Gundam 90

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Decided to make some Tristans colored like Nu, Hi-Nu, and Hi-Blu

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So I decided to ramake my Custom Mech for my OC called the Azur Star and

It looks damn good in my opinion

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Oh and here's this one with some blue on the side skirts

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I decided to just sorta make a custom colored F91

Not a big fan of the original colors...

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Nothing like 2 kits that you want being available but you can't bye them....

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I'ma just say something

I prefer the strike Rouge over the Aile Strike Gundam

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