

This is my art account for @MinimattReviews I'll be posting all art Doodles and such here!!! Possible NSFW 18+ art here too so uh...Kids get out. He/Him

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NJOt Entirely proud of this one but I wnated to knock a drawing out so I can try and figure out what the hell Im doing for Valentines day

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I really went from like

"Hi I started art haha"


"Horny on main" in a span of like 6 months lol

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Late night post of uh Whatever it was my brain made

Its Xelia so I just blanked out and here we are

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I actually like how she turned out so more of her in the Future maybe 👀

Name: Laura Aria
Age: 28

Basically your big titty Ara Ara~ girl who does tease but only slightly. She's very calm and caring and prefers non-violent situations. Author of a best seller mystery novel

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Messed the hair up but uh Kriss go Moo too <3

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Where it started vs Where it is currently

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I wanna spread some positivity today more than any other day.

So Moo Moo Xelia has been made. I dunno how this art meme started but I aint gonna be mad about it.

Shading this one was a ton of fun tbh. And I think Im starting to get the hang of it

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