Diode the Skunk (Open Slots)さんのプロフィール画像

Diode the Skunk (Open Slots)さんのイラストまとめ

(23) 🦨+🐁
Taken: 💖
I draw as a hobby, normally just whatever I am thinking about.
PFP: @Rockiiskunk
Banner: @CrypticKelpie
Comms open!

フォロー数:1566 フォロワー数:513

"Oh this? It's just my Winter Coat. I'm wearing my cloak underneath."
I mean, a liiittle bit of extra fluff never hurt anyone either.

6 23

Birthday gift for Noot!
( because the prompt word is birthday, and I wasn't going to miss this one. c: )
I'm sure an Alicorn Noot causing a category-5 cheetie event isn't the WORST way to spend a Tuesday night.

12 42

I actually haven't been drawing all too much recently.
Probably because I'm too busy being an elite gamer. ;3c
(Eh, we'll just say I'm on vacation, or something. :p)

8 28

Don't mind me, just sitting here, absolutely nothing special planned today.
(Happy Thanksgiving.)

5 24

A really dramatic way to apologize, buuuuut~

8 28

Fun fact! I have no cold tolerance.
Chances are, you probably already know this.
Second fun fact, it's important to stay hydrated if you're going to keep yourself warm like this.

6 19

A respost from last November, not a nootie prompt, but a color palete challenge I did instead~

7 21

There's a reason I don't travel.
Besides not having the money to do so, I... have a very poor sense of direction.
(It's been a few days, but today's word is Travel)

9 25

The village theme from Cult of the Lamb keeps playing in my Youtube playlists, so here's a little follower Diode to scratch that itch.
I find it flattering that some people named their followers after me... (even if they were sacrificed shortly after...)

3 16

This is the post today.
That's all, keep scrolling.

7 24