Mino Blue Slug to Bluer Skiesさんのプロフィール画像

Mino Blue Slug to Bluer Skiesさんのイラストまとめ

Sea slug blue glaucus dragon here to vibe

フォロー数:477 フォロワー数:776

Good morning everysluggy! I seem to have finally escaped my bed shaped prison. Think I slept for a good 10 hours there from a poorly timed food coma. Maybe it's just storing sleep for what I'll lose from Monster Hunter? How much sleep do you usually get? I'm way off my 6 hours.✨

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Good morning everysluggy! It's an exciting new week, as while it won't be out until Thursday night, Monster Hunter Rise is coming.👀 I'm probably going to disappear into the void, or perhaps you'll see much more of me hmmm? I hope you all have a wonderful week either way!✨

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Oh I see. So that's what happened? Please tell me more and we'll figure out how to get through this together.

1 14

Good morning everysluggy! I have slept well and had a bit of a lazy Sunday morning but I am very much alive! I also discovered that a well over a decade old TV I had sitting in the closest actually works just fine as a second monitor yay! I hope you make fun discoveries today!✨

0 8

Good morning everysluggy! It is a beautiful Saturday morning and I'm feeling pretty good. It is home office inspection day though so I'm hoping the Monster Hunter stream doesn't end up getting delayed. Also holy crap the new hunting horn in the Rise demo feels fantastic!✨

0 6

Good morning everysluggy! Friday is finally here, and I imagine it's been quite the long week for some. Take the time to really relax and unwind when you get the chance. Don't let your memes be dreams and enjoy the weekend!✨

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Good morning everysluggy! Today seems like it has some promise, and it also didn't snow like they were calling for (yikes). I'm going to bundle up a little and give it my best, and I hope you do as well! Get out there and give today a playful noogie and ruffle it's hair!✨

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Good morning everysluggy! It's a weirdly unlucky day it seems no luck of the Irish here. A little too much fresh water falling from the sky for my tastes. However it is Wednesday so we're halfway there, and I'm sure the rest of the week will shine brighter.💫

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Good morning everysluggy! Was running a bit behind and it's pretty wet and icky out but everything's still fine. Still wish teleportation was a thing but some abilities are just out of reach. What kind of super power would you want to have I wonder?💫

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