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PvP life with

Left art is his <3 appreciate it or pewish.

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I think this is best gear md ive ever gotten.

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"I'm here my boy, you're safe"
Group cry starts in 5mins. Thank you so much for putting together this piece of Mino's story. A young Mino and his father. Go show Sy some love ♥.

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Baby girl no, what is you doing. Why does it look like that

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Here's another update on this piece ive been working on for a few months now lol. Started to give him clothes. Havent been in art mood too much but every bit of progress counts ^^

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Here is another update, had guidance on my light mapping and shadows still got more to do! Having a lot of fun messing around with this tbh. Just go back to it every so often. c: determined to finish it and have it as my first finished digital artwork.

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A gift for him.
Thank you so much It turned out super cute. ♥

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Hope you feel better soon!

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I got distracted while making a D&D character.
Sound on 🔊

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