

art twit @mintyphantasm

depressed autistic artist, who has no idea how she'll survive.
2d/3d art, va, game dev.

フォロー数:2295 フォロワー数:139

Worked more on 'November'
Ft. The stabee beanie, so cute.

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please someone let this poor child sleep

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Currently what ive been doodling on my phone.

Found I lile ibispaint x WAY better than any autodesk app

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Havin a bit of issues with makin the top look right...
slapped on a simp texture to see if it would help.

(it did not)

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current progress~

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I have a hard time comprehending what needs to be fixed when it comes to 3d. So I do a lot of sketches on top of it to figure it out lol

A lookie at how the vStreamer model is going ;)
(the face makes me wanna scream.)

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that is all

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Trying to get used to doing some phone drawings

So heres a spooky ghost gal (she has a name god i forget it o3o)

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current progress!!!

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Heyo I'm Minty a combo 2d/3d artist slowly making games as well! I currently got 72 followers~
Thanks for doing this :0 super nice of ya

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