

Your friendly neighborhood Grandma Goomba. ♀️'89 - 🏳️‍🌈 ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿 - ❌NO NFTs ❌

フォロー数:610 フォロワー数:1258
# nsfw

Finally done! My favorite scene in FE3H, only it needed more hugs! (1/3)

289 749

I want to draw, but I also want to play the game 😭 Three Houses turned out to be so good!!

280 942

Please give your Dimitri lots of hugs every day so he doesn't turn into a Feral Muder Man😭❤️

13 85



I don't know why, but Panne, Lon'qu and Vaike are one of my favorite trios 😊 Their energies balance each other out! 🐇🥔🌻

94 253

I've been having ALL the Risen!Chrom feels lately 😬 Every single one of them💦

65 235

Me to myself:

How much Robin cleavage can I get away with today 🍒🤔

21 144

I've been thnkin abt the bad timeline Shepherds and what they'd be like as Risen. I imgn them as corrupt versions of their OG selves, barely recalling who they were. All their best qualities twisted into smthin bad or extreme. All under Risen Chrom, who in turn belongs to Grima.

12 54

He brought a bucket and a shovel adgjghs 😭💕

0 7

Helbindi is adorable 😭 He just wants cute flowers and his sister Menja!🌼

2 20