

Pokémon is my main interest, but I love Mario, Sonic, and some anime,too.

フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:106

Lance's jacked and buff Dragonite makes me feel very happy. I think it takes me back to a time where the Pokemon world felt more "mystique~" or just very fantastical? It's super charming in a way that I feel sometimes is missing in the more modern universe.

22 84

I just remembered Gen 5 did the whole "past-present/nature-technology" theme that is to be based around. Technically BW and BW2 would be the next games to be slated for remakes (or better yet BW3) even portrayed that theme via its two Gen 5 cast members.

38 165

I like how X from and Alan from both have Chesnaught and Charizard (X)

16 82

Manon watching Alan's final battles at the Kalos League versus Masters 8 tournament

1 6

Appreciation post for Cynthia's love of ice cream over the years

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Once again, I have to thank for gracing us with Champion Iris! You just had to be here for the super hype B2W2 release cycle back in the day and the big reveal she had ascended to Champion in the games. Never did I think the anime would finally make that a reality.

16 49

Apparently it's Ash Wednesday

2 7

You just have to appreciate the smoothness and stealth of Akihiro Tamagawa's animation and impact of Swellow escaping from Arcanine with Double Team and then Arcanine crashing into Swampert signaling Satoshi/Ash's counteract turnaround is on the way.

1 5

Satoshi's AG-self animated&drawn by my favorite animator (Akihiro Tamagawa) might just be my favorite Satoshi design. The eyebrows, the mouth, the expressions, the "z" marks, absolute ~PERFECTION~ this boy!! Absolute god-tier work.

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