Mirror Bunsさんのプロフィール画像

Mirror Bunsさんのイラストまとめ

HII!! We are Amalia, Flora y Hope. Three magical bunnies that want to share how magical and beautiful life can be, Fuu!

フォロー数:233 フォロワー数:220

Fuu! nos gusta mucho el juego de Bunhouse y nuestra planta favorita es la Zebrina
Fuu! we loved Bunhouse game. Our favourite plant is the Zebrina

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Fu! Aprendimos a volar nuestras escobitas muy bien. Ya volamos muy alto
Fu! We now know how to fly on our brooms pretty well. We fly pretty high

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Nos gusta ayudarle a Hope a escoger su parche todos los días fu
We like helping our little sister, Hope to choose which patch is she gonna wear everyday fu

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Fu Fu Fu Fuu splash y Fusitos en la lluvia!
Fu Fu Fu Fuu splash and Fus in the rain!
Fuuu, time to water our flowers! Hold on.. Florita!!

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Adoramos ir a museos y nos asombran mucho los fósiles FUU
We adore going to museums, the fossils sections it's so unreal FUU

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Fuuu es hora de regar las plantitas! Espera. Florita!!
Fuuu, time to water our flowers! Hold on.. Florita!!

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Fuu? usar los lentes de papi siempre nos deja mareadas, seguro el si ve muy borroso.
Fuu? Wearing papa's glasses always makes us all fuzzy. And so is his sight.

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Nos gusta cenar cerealito con leche fuu, cual es su cereal favorito?
We really love cereal with milk Fuu, which cereal is your favorite?#Bunny

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Acabo de tener el sueño más raro. Era MUUY grande y me quedaba atascada en nuestra base

I just had a weird dream. I was reaally big and got stuck in our HQ

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