

Brandie the big demon nerd. Posting Art of all my D&D OCs and more
-- Commission hiatus ---


フォロー数:642 フォロワー数:329

Hey thanks! I'm Joker, I love Pokemon and TTRPG characters. Just got some new merch for the con season in ft. Fanfic pins 🩷

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A very festive with some art from the last few years 💕

3 10

*hands you a koronyan* *hands you a koronyan* *hands you a koronyan* *hands you a koronyan* *hands you a koronyan*
Rgg judgment merch when

1 7

glad this guy was a hit at AMKE :'v

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Hey Kirishima, maybe you shouldn't give the little lady /everything/ she wants...
Yes also reading ykz guide to babysitting

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i finished a piece and lived ?? YKZ kazumaji is my existence thanks RGG for these crime boys

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Could i maybe get any other ono michio thing or just more maji towel

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