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The variant cover by Lovecraft artist @JLGiles for Miskatonic High #13! I've wanted him to do a cover for us for so long!
#callofcthulhu #comic #comicbooks #cthulhu #drawing #horror #hplovecraft #indiecomics #lovecraft #lovecraftian #kickstarter #charlesdexterward
A look at one of our variant covers for Miskatonic High #12! https://t.co/yzTHwbws1E
#callofcthulhu #comic #comicbooks #cthulhu #drawing #horror #hplovecraft #indiecomics #lovecraft #lovecraftian #kickstarter
Art by @ThePaleComic
Check out the crazy fun crossover, now in trade paperback and hardcover with 23 extra pages! https://t.co/yzTHwbws1E
#callofcthulhu #comic #comicbooks #cthulhu #drawing #horror #hplovecraft #indiecomics #lovecraft #lovecraftian #kickstarter
Art by @rymendoza
Eddy Hedington messaged me once to tell me that he was doing a comic that mixed Lovecraft monsters and school kids called The Dunwich Boys and that he didn't intentionally steal our idea, like I would get all territorial or something.
People (in this case @Paul_thePullbox ) have some really nice things to say about Lady Lovecraft. Check it out here: https://t.co/txKzaIOfWM
#callofcthulhu #comic #comicbooks #cthulhu #drawing #horror #hplovecraft #indiecomics #lovecraft #lovecraftian #kickstarter
Paul @ The Pullbox was nice enough to give Lady Lovecraft a read and gave us this glowing review: https://t.co/8a1mXf6I4i
#callofcthulhu #comic #comicbooks #cthulhu #drawing #horror #hplovecraft #indiecomics #lovecraft #lovecraftian #kickstarter #lovecraft
Happy Mother's Day! Remember to give her a kiss (even when you go back in time and she thinks you're your dad): https://t.co/xI1796PvlM
#callofcthulhu #comicbooks #cthulhu #horror #hplovecraft #indiecomics #lovecraft #lovecraftian #kickstarter #timetravel
Art by @rymendoza
Miskatonic High 11: It's like Hamilton, but scary!* On Kickstarter: https://t.co/xI1796PvlM
*Not actually like Hamilton
#callofcthulhu #comic #comicbooks #cthulhu #horror #hplovecraft #indiecomics #lovecraft #lovecraftian #kickstarter #timetravel #hamilton
Art by @rymendoza
I love this homage variant cover! Check it out: https://t.co/xI1796PvlM
#callofcthulhu #comic #comicbooks #cthulhu #drawing #horror #hplovecraft #indiecomics #lovecraft #lovecraftian #kickstarter #timetravel
Art by Nate Lindley (https://t.co/4cNXkqZb1Q)
The Temple of Nodens... one of five variant covers by VENIEN, available for Miskatonic High 10: https://t.co/EkYg2UjHdd
#callofcthulhu #comic #comicbooks #cthulhu #drawing #horror #hplovecraft #indiecomics #lovecraft #lovecraftian #kickstarter