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I am super excited about this week as I get to hang out with you guys pretty much every day! We're gonna be over on 's channel Thursday, have a community game night Friday, and hang with Saturday! I am the excite. >:3

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Here's our new schedule for the week! :3 I am excited for some special and fun streams this week!! :D I hope you all have a wonderful week and keep being the bestest beans out there and spreading dat good love! <3

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Yay! New Schedule day! As always, playing weird ass games and going to be over on 's channel Thursday to play some Lego Hobos! :3 I hope you all have a wonderful week!!! <3

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I am gonna play a bunch of new games this week and revisit an old one. I'm also hella excited to play more Lego LotRs with on my channel this week! I hope everyone has a wonderful week and remember you all fucking rock and are amazing beans!

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New schedule! :D Gonna play a game that the Joe loves that I've never played this week. Also gonna be cooking later this week. I hope you can make it! And if not no worries!! Thank you all for being amazing beans!!! <3

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New schedule! :D I'm excited to visit our special place... Novac >:3 I'm excited to see you guys this week if you can make it though! No worries if ya can't! :3 Thank you for being the best bean though!!! <3

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I got a lot of cursed this week for some reason >.>, but hopefully you can make it! If not, no stress or worries! Excited to hang with the best beans on the internet!!! <3 :3

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I can only stream two days this week due to school and bein busy, but I'm excited to hang with you guys!!! Hopefully you guys like a spoopy game and a chaos game! >:3

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New schedule day! :D We're gonna be playing some interesting games this week, so I hope you can stop by and enjoy the chaos with me! Thank you for being an awesome bean and keep being radical! <3

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Okay, so now I'm a puddle of emotional mush. Look what sent me as an e-card! She's so fucking talented and I appreciate her and everyone else's support more than y'all know. Brb, gonna cry in G FUEL.

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