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Save You.
What I saw as "the sin" in #TheMandalorian Episode 3 - staining Baby Yoda in blood. One life at the cost of many. A great episode from Deborah Chow #TheMandalorianSpoilers
I Was A Foundling Once.
Inspired by the flashbacks of Young Mandalorian. It struck me that saving Baby Yoda might not just be a dad instinct - but a saving the inner child instinct. #TheMandalorian #TheMandalorianspoilers #StarWars
Embrace Your Dark Side.
Dark Rey not only represents Rey's anger and hate, but also her loneliness and pain. I want to see her embrace all the sides that make her human. #StarWars #StarWarsFanArt #TheRiseOfSkywalker #reylo #DarkRey
"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth." For Ben Solo. #StarWarsFanArt #BenSolo #Bendemption #reylo #TheRiseOfSkywalker
Black Ring.
A sensual reylo embrace inspired by the latest pics of Dark Rey's ring. #reylo #StarWarsFanArt #darkrey #TheRiseOfSkywalker
See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.
A Skywalker-Solo family portrait inspired by THE RISE OF KYLO REN comics. #StarWarsFanArt #TheRiseofSkywalker #BenSolo #Bendemption #HanSolo #LeiaOrgana #LukeSkywalker
Ben Solo: Scapegoat.
Inspired by the upcoming RISE OF KYLO REN #2 comic. #StarWarsFanArt #bensolo #kyloren #bendemption #TheRiseOfSkywalker
Inspired by @Wtforceshow's discussion of the Dark Union, Padme's butterfly outfit, and reverse anidala. #StarWarsFanArt #padmeamidala #palpatine #anidala #reylo
Desire in Quicksand.
Rey's starving past chokes the life out of her blossoming desires. #StarWarsFanArt #reylo #rey #bensolo #bendemption #kyloren
Leia and the Devil/Angel. The complexities of motherhood for Leia Organa, divinity incarnate who gives birth to her highest hope (Ben Solo) and her worst fear (Kylo Ren). Her light gives life and burns her child to ash. #StarWarsFanArt #LeiaOrgana #BenSolo #KyloRen #Bendemption