

Hiya! I am Miss HufflePaws #MissHufflePaws for general stuff #HufflePawsArt for any art I revived. 21 year old she/her. 18+ vt Pfp:galashii here on Twitter

フォロー数:1151 フォロワー数:388

Goat mom mode here to say

Hard days come around ever so often, those days can be hard for everyone.

But just remember you are loved, you are cared for, and you are amazing just by being yourself

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Heyo Sakura
🐐Con:Doesn't believe when people say nice things about me
🐐Pro:Loves to make friends
Hmmm go to a hot springs then maybe talking about all things video games and whatever else
I am a walking animal Wikipedia, I have many facts in my brain

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I made two little drawing emotes for my friends and (Goat orders, go follow them)

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~Third Art Raffle~ 2/13/23

1:Follow Me
2:Retweet This Post and Comment on your png and two things about your character


1:A Streaming Schedule, A discord emote

The art are samples of emote and streaming schedule

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Idea from:Funeral_Dirge and Elysian_Phantom (go follow them both)

Let's see?

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🐐 Pro:As my friends say I am a sweetheart Con:Doesn't know when to know to shut up about talking about my favorite topics
🐐:M&Ms (no touchy)
🐐:Musical:Encanto Normal:DUCK IT JURASSIC PARK I AM A NERD
🐐:People with any type of disability should be shown more in all media

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Hi I am Miss HufflePaws!!
I am a half goat half human bean!
I am a demisexual and Bisexual!

I live in different world that is full with all different types of goats.

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🐐🐐Thank you for the opportunity🐐🐐
🎨:ulyri_ and Ameebaporo

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