

Depressed misfit obsessed with cute/“mascot adventure” video games. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

PFP by @HiddenSoundTest

Art only acc: @M123311art

フォロー数:3524 フォロワー数:1026

I still am geniuenly curious how Piplup would have looked in Detective Pikachu... Would he be more cute/cuddly, based off his actual appearance with small graphical touches or would he actually just look more like an actual IRL penguin?

...Seriously, I need to know.

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"Come and 'venture with me~!"

1 6

Some AC Characters that matter so much more and are far more precious than Isabelle. Don't @ me.

1 8

I'd say in the end this turned out to be as funny as it was in my mind.

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