

mother, teacher, lover of nature, art and craftsy stuff - and Lucifan of course 😈 #artdeamonscollective

Insta: Missirizzi
please DM for prints/original art

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Thank you, my french friend. 😘

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At least twice a week you make me smile or laugh with your comics and now thanks to and even more.. you are definitely the beary best... 😁😘😘

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I know... the tea sucks but it helps.. me at least... ;)

And it seems you like a hug as much as Lucifer does.. :P

So here’s the chocolate. 😁 wish I could aparate and bring you some.. ;)

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Well, dear sun, you‘ve been insisting it’s a bright day since I got up. I didn’t believe you first and I still feel slow and my senses are numb, but, you know what? I just give in. This autumn day is just too beautiful.. would be a shame not to appreciate that.. Thank you. 😊

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Thank you.. 😊 The muse kept whispering in my ears...
I love to play with words, so when I get a puzzle like this my mind goes...

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Congratulations to your 50th 💛 🎶🥳

You’re the best! 🤗
May the muse stay with you for a loong time, Leslie!

This one‘s for you! 😘
Can’t wait for the book, can we ? 😁

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Painting his face (especially his nose) almost drove me crazy. It’s far from perfect, but I‘ll keep trying...

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