

Commissions are open!
Discord: MitBoy#7540
Art style borrowing from @NY_Sagittarius

フォロー数:24 フォロワー数:1957

Silly simple loot cards

6 54

Four souls commission for !

5 27

A few basic monsters

9 65

Three new bosses for my pack as well

And an extra lucky way to get one

5 41

The rest of bonus souls that are a bit more weird

3 43

Four souls commission for !

4 15

So this one is another isaac ytber... uhhh
We decided to give normal version a simple effect, and basically just 3 HP.

But the tainted version is is like capricious but cool! His console is has abilities of 3 items all the same time, plus a good shop control. But just 1 HP.

8 45

There are tounaments for four souls, believe or not.

I drew the winning teams of a recent one as monsters for fun

5 51

Four souls commission!

18 141