

I write things and edit things other people wrote. Big robots, tokusatsu.

フォロー数:565 フォロワー数:1121

King I remains my platonic ideal of the male form

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"This isn’t policy. It’s a contemptuous, abusive, capricious, unbelievably expensive shot in the dark. There’s no Chekhovian jubilee sitting on the shelf of American law, waiting for the president to fire it if he wishes. We have a Constitution—or used to."

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People will get into internet arguments using a gigachad variant icon while they look like this:

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"The Last Thing Left", Say Sue Me (2022)

Gentle, wistful, nostalgic, hopeful. I hope Kang Semin's friends and family are doing well.

Favorite track, "The Last Thing Left".

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And that's it

"Akame Ga Kill!" finished

What surprised me most during this re-read is how consistent my opinion on it was overall after 10 years. Some of the details changed, but my overall judgement of Rips/Sucks is the same

It kinda rips https://t.co/KdgCzn2YtQ

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Sometimes I like complaining about things alright?

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"The Mist", 2007

It's fine? I know it's (deservedly, it's well-made) looked in a better light recently, but here's nothing in here you couldn't get out of one of the myriad of films it's paying homage to.

Stephen King/10

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