

Toriyama fanboy, I only post drawings in leap year


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eu ainda jogaria o mt mitzelplik, a galera hoje tem uma visão mt limitada do superman, ele é resumido a um cara forte que atua em metropoles

Raimi é criativo e interpreta bem as maiores maluquices dos quadrinhos, algo no pique de multiverso da loucura

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e ele não ironicamente poderia fazer de novo e dessa vez usando o Superman de fato

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James are you interested in continuing to direct the Superman legacy sequels? I have a fun idea

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irmão se for pra pegar arte das hqs eu tbm posso pegar 300 onde ela é parruda

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and here we go for another

I had already finished this one a while ago, but I forgot to post it

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if you like how about following me, it's free

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a quick sketch of Mommy Cammy in new design for StreetFighter 6

(+Timelaps that only serve to show me being beaten to draw simple details in the tweet below)

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indo pro lado do terror, um canastrão babaca caçando monstros ao maior estilo evil dead? temos um concorrente

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another year, another I love this community.


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