NieE ♤ Illust 🐌 Vgen comms OPEN 💫さんのプロフィール画像

NieE ♤ Illust 🐌 Vgen comms OPEN 💫さんのイラストまとめ

Freelance Illustrator | Animator ■ 21 ● Art: #NieEArts | NO AI | Commission:
📧 [email protected]

フォロー数:419 フォロワー数:711

Morning Star, Lucifer and his brother, Mammon 🥺❤

I want to design Lucy's outfit to fit his "Morning Star" title so I put some galaxy in his inner cape 🙈

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No Mammon feat my MC cuz I love brotherly relationship more than anything so I made> 🥺❤️

We all know what Mammon feel although he said it's not necessary *sobs

ouh and celestial Lucifer and Mammon too! I designed the outfit >< お誕生日おめでとうございます, -sama!

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I did for!! I should stop using a lot of vibrant color but I can't help it 👉👈

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Sorry I don't have much Levi's pic in my gallery but I hope this little give could make u feel better 🙈❤

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800+ likes???!!! For reall??!! 😭❤💕💖💘❤💕💖💘 I just stop breathing!! Thank you so much for loving them!!! And I never reached 100+ retweet b4

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OMG CONGRATULATION, ANJEL!!!! 🥺❤❤💖💕🙈 I always love your content silently uwu and would look forward for more 😭❤ Here's my MC, Lin Lin 🤧🙈 ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ Hope you like her ><♡

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I drew..... SATAN AND ASMO!! 🥺❤ Just for your information, All of the brothers and other side-characs placed second in my heart while Lucifer is the first LOLZ 😂❤

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(Drop my MC here) if it's okayy uwu///// ( ಠωಠ) run

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Idk if I want to finish this but- here's my MC with Lucifer 🥺❤️ 😂#obeymemc

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SAW THIS AND I HAD TO DO IT >< (Repost cuz I forgot my watermark teehee) Some warm-up b4 comms yeeeeeeeeee

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