Chris | Mladekさんのプロフィール画像

Chris | Mladekさんのイラストまとめ | @FlaPanthers | @MiamiDolphins | CoinCats @labs_celestial

フォロー数:1303 フォロワー数:13842

Should be an interesting journey, pivoting my brand from my doodle which was my PFP for a total of over 130 days to

There’s lots of reasons for the pivot but I couldn’t be happier to build my personal brand around this character

Fun to see if engagement changes

29 96

good morning from doodles and y00ts

0 12

Good morning friends

0 14

Good morning to everyone except the Bahamian government

0 7

Good Morning legends who are still gm'in

1 13

gmgmgmgm gmgm gmgm
gm gm gm gm gm
gm gmgm gm gm gm gm
gm gm gm gm gm gm
gmgmgmgm gm gm gm

0 21